Backblaze personal backup linux
Backblaze personal backup linux

Restic natively supports a bunch of storage backends however they also support any Rclone backend. If all goes well you should be running the latest version. The first step is to install and update Restic to the latest version. Even though I’ll be explaining how this is accomplished on Linux, specifically Pop!_OS, it should be possible to do on any platform. Restic is a cross-platform backup application written in Go. If you are curious about how that works check out this article. While this will be a guide for personal use, many of the ideas here are what power the website backups for Anchor Hosting customers. It’s a very efficient and elegant backup solution. After trying out various backup solutions I settled on using a command-line solution restic with a B2 bucket. I previously relied on Backblaze, which is an awesome application that provides real-time backups, Unfortunately Linux isn’t supported. When I switched my daily driver to Linux, one missing piece was how to handle local backups.

Backblaze personal backup linux